well, Tyler and I are happy, we figured out how to order a full plate of pork at Porky's and we bought 35 sausages for dinner tonight, we have success!!
On a bit more serious note, the past couple days have been a bit enlightening. Yesterday we got a chance to help out in two of the English classes that are put on at the foreign language center (the classes that we officially teach in are on thursday and friday) that was a blast, especially helping out with the younger kids, their English is surprisingly good for being so young and growing up where knowing English isn't entirely necessary.
Today we got to meet Pastor Lo, who is a pastor of a church in Vinh Long. The bits and pieces of his story that I head were very interesting and are bringing to light the persecution in the church that is very real. It was great to hear the stories and see how God worked through all the experiences and suffering he had to go through, makes me think "if it came down to it, would I stand up like him". Like the song says All I have is Christ, is that really our song when we encounter times of trouble? This has really challenged me and I hope that when I return home that this will be my life story in everything that I do.
Again we got to work in the English classes at the Foreign language center this evening that was quite and experience. Tyler and I were floating around from classroom to classroom helping out while Abi was teaching her class with Lily. This was quite an experience in itself. The first classroom we walked into the teacher turned to us and said "I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!!!" told the class something in vietnamese, then told us we were in charge and could do whatever we wanted.
*sidenote: this was the second week of a beginning English class, so most of the kids didn't really even know any words in English (a little here and there, occasionally speaking in sentences that made sense)
we told them that they could ask us any question, the teacher walked around the room speaking in vietnamese trying to coaxe them to say something ask a question. Eventually some people asked where we were from, how old we were, how many people were in our families etc.
After the English classes we headed out for a cane juice with some of the students. We had quite a lot of fun as the guy who runs the stand is Khmer (Cambodian) but he also speaks Vietnamese, and extremely good English.
now it's Getting late, thankfully I get another opportunity to sleep in a bit tomorrow since we're visiting a local pegota (sugar cane man [the Cambodian guy who runs the stand] is going to take us)
One thing I almost forgot, yesterday and today in our team time we've been discussing buddism and how a lot of their religion is based on works and how there is no hope to ever be perfect. Also, we noticed that most of what buddism is based on is old stories and traditions.
one of the stories we talked about today is most definitely helpful because it almost directly correlates with the Gospel. here's the story.
There once was a prince in a kingdom (let's say it was in Asia) this kingdom was invaded by a foreign army, all the gates we closed, and the invading army was going to take all the people to be their slaves. The prince went to the ruler of the invading kingdom and told him. "There is a river under the bridge that leads out of the city, as long as I stay underwater you will keep the gates open and let my people go." The King felt that since the prince was human he could hold his breath for about a minute tops he wouldn't lose many people. He agreed and held the prince to his word. The prince walked over to the bridge, and when he got to the bottom of the river he tied his hair around a rock and never resurfaced. This meant that all of his people were able to go free.
One man sacrificed his life for all... Sounding a little familiar?
Thank you for praying for us the trip has been wonderful
Soli Deo Gloria
Brandon Goodyear
This is what it's like riding on a moto this si extremely light traffic, I have more pics of the heavier stuff
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