Friday, February 1, 2013

Enjoying the simple things... like Coffee

Wow, it just occurred to me that I have been working for almost 8 months at Kean Coffee. To answer all those who will inevitably ask, yes I'm a Barista. 

now, the reason that I'm writing this post is not because I totally forgot to tell the world that I got a job but because about a week ago I started composing a blog post on my phone while I was waiting for some friends in a hipster coffee shop in the middle of irvine to discuss our future filming plans (more info to come in it's time). As I was sitting there I realized that I need to get out and see the world, and if I can put together a big enough project I can get funding (through sites like Kickstarter/indegogo). My big mental block was what to do, what can I photograph, video, or simply document while traveling all over the world. Then it hit me, I was sitting in this small coffee shop (coffee wasn't the best, but I'm spoiled, so take my opinion with a grain of salt) that has a relaxed, comfortable aura to it. That's when I realized that I should photograph/film in coffee shops all around the world.

this is (in all honesty) a brilliantly crazy idea. I'm gonna start out by mapping out where some coffee shops are, then see about travelling as a "pre trip scouting" we'll see how this all pans out, if you need me I'll be praying and doing a little bit of research ^_^ 

have a wonderful day, and if you ever want to stop by, my latte art is getting a little better 

- Looking at life through a lens
Brandon Goodyear 

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